October 2020

Well 2020 has been quite the year…

Despite all that’s going on this isn’t stopping The Rapha Project from carrying out its vision. In October, The Rapha Project will be working with Afghan refugees that attend a school in Asia. We’ll be working with the teachers to better understand trauma and how this impacts students’ behaviors and ability to learn. We’ll also be giving these teachers some appropriate trauma informed classroom approaches to help the teachers feel effective while the refugee students feel understood, validated, and able to learn. Before all of that though we’ll be supporting these teachers to understand how trauma has impacted their own life before and during COVID19, and giving them a forum to process through these things together. We hope this will be a time of healing and building resources for these teachers so that they feel better equipped for the work they do.

In addition to this training, we’ll be taking part in a Leadership Retreat that is being held for the students of this school. We hope our participation can help us to continue to build relationships with the students, and support the teachers.


Shame: A Cause & A Cure